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Published on 18th, January 2023
Read time 3 min

Star Rating System and Arcare brand


Dear Arcare Community,

As you may be aware, in response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety recommendations, the Australian Government has implemented a Star Rating system to help people better compare aged care services and make an informed choice about where they would like to live. These ratings are available on the website.

Arcare welcomes the Star Rating system for consumers as we believe in transparency, choice, and continuous improvement opportunities.

Given this is the first rating under the new system, we are taking the time to analyse the data, which will continue to be assessed within Arcare and across the sector more broadly. For Arcare residences, 48% are currently rated 4 Stars, with 98% rated 3 Stars or above. For all residences across Australia (of which there are more than 2,500), 36% have received 4 Stars. New residences recently opened may not have been provided with a star rating.

The ratings do change regularly, and we encourage you to visit the My Aged Care website if you would like updated information.

In early December 2022 we advised Arcare will transition to a new logo without the original 5 stars our logo presented. This is a change to our logo only. Arcare’s care and services remain unaffected by the brand change and are reviewed for improvement constantly. The new logo is being considered by the Board and we hope to announce it soon where we will begin the big transition for our collateral, advertising, and online assets.

20 February 2023 addition: We’re pleased to share the launch of our new logo.

If you have any questions in the interim, please feel free to contact: [email protected]


Learn about the meaning behind the original Arcare five stars logo: