Our focus is your health, well-being and happiness and we do all we can to help you feel at home. Our Victorian aged care residences offer large private suites with private dining, comfortable lounge rooms and reading rooms. Many of our residences have movie theatres, hair salons and other luxurious amenities.
We also offer a busy activities calendar, with many outings, excursions and in-house activities. Whether your interests range from walks to computing or from gardening to pampering, we offer a diverse range of programs, classes, events and social gatherings. We can also help you find the right activity for your interests.
Mealtimes can be extremely important and we have a delicious seasonal menu at all our Victorian aged care homes with fresh meals prepared in-house.
With our safe environment, daily social interactions, one-on-one companionship and long-term friendships, you will thrive at Arcare.